
Apply Now (SP)

No matter where you’re from or what your background is, you can always use your gifts and talents in favor of others. We deeply value the presence, support and hard work of those who give their time with us.

Below are some specific areas of need we have. If you’re interested in helping out and are gifted in any of these areas let us know. We have different internship and volunteer programs that can adjust to your professional development and spiritual growth needs:

  • Social Work

  • Psychology

  • Medicine

  • Education 

  • Law and Human Rights

  • Administration 

  • Accounting

  • Housekeeping

  • Construction 

  • Business 

  • Communications

  • Spiritual Growth

  • Other

Please send your current resume and photo to hello@projectsuma.org.
Por favor envíe su currículum actual y una foto a hello@projectsuma.org.