Project Suma

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December 2008

Merry ChristmasWe pray you’re doing well and enjoying all that Christmas offers. We’ve had a full year, enjoying lots of bike rides, evening living-room wrestling matches, singing at church and learning to live our faith from ever-increasing depths. Here’s a quick countdown of our 12 Days of Christmas!12 Visitors Hosted (at least!)With family, old friends, interns, potential staff, volunteers and more, we’ve been busy opening our home and lives to those who pass through.11 Years of MarriageWe celebrated with a getaway (just the two of us) to the jungles of Chapare, Bolivia.10 States to TravelWe’ve traveled all along the Eastern U.S. this Holiday season!9 People CampingOn one of our many camping trips this year, we brought a group of friends to the base of Sajama, the highest peak in Bolivia.8 Christmas CousinsWe’ve thoroughly enjoyed spending precious time with family and lots of other friends this Christmas.7 Years in BoliviaIt has been a good and full life!6 Ladies in FreedomSix women in prostitution are currently pursuing a new life off the streets with scholarships and support from the WMF Bolivia community.5 Years of HopeWe celebrated the 5th year anniversary of The House of Hope with a meaningful time of reflection and a tree of Hope.4 New StaffRosi, Justa, Juan Carlos, and Julie complement and support the ministry in invaluable ways.3 Broken RibsAndy’s adventures will never cease...2 Years oldLuke has passed the benchmark age and is seizure and medication free!1 Baby on the way!!A surprise to us as well!  Lil’ Bake should be arriving sometime in August.