Dear Friends,
As our time in the States comes to a close we have been reflecting on the past eight months. Although the situation with Luke's health was not ideal upon arriving, it has been a time of renewal in so many ways. It has been a blessing to reconnect with friends and spend time with family.
We are pleased to report that Luke's neurologist has given us the OK to return to Bolivia. Luke has been seizure free for almost seven months. We praise the Lord for his health. He will continue on his anti-seizure medication until he is two. It will be important for us to track Luke's development over the coming months and as we return to Bolivia. We feel there has been an incredible amount of natural and supernatural forces that have kept Luke with us. Thanks you for your prayers and support. They mean more than you know.
In May Elias finished his first semester of school in English. We were able to find a Montessori school with a teacher we already knew who helped facilitate a smooth transition for Eli. Looking at him you would never know he was born in the majority world but there are times when his world view breaks through, like when he asks, "why do they have more than one bathroom" or "what language do they speak" which is ironic because Elias has forgotten almost all of his Spanish.
Our most recent news centers around La Casa de Esperanza (House of Hope). In the spring we received eviction papers from the landlords who informed us that the building had been sold and was no longer for rent. Over the months our grieving for the loss of a place so many women and staff have grown to love has turned to prayers that we might be able to stay. Recently the landlords have contacted us and so we are now attempting to raise funds in order to purchase the land and building. Please pray that the Lord would give us favor in this process. We believe the He has great plans for this property. If you are interested in knowing more or becoming part of this phase, please contact us personally.
We will be ending our time in the States with all of our WMF staff. Every three years all of the USA staff return to the States for a time of fellowship and renewal with the larger community. Our theme will be contemplation and transformation. We are excited for the chance to see so many of our friends who serve around the world.
We leave the States on August 1 and arrive on August 2, our six year anniversary of moving to Bolivia. Six years ago we had no children, only two suitcases and high ambitions. This time we will touch down to a familiar place that we call home. We praise God that we now have a more realistic sense of our call in His Kingdom. We are still mindful of the challenges ahead but reassured that He walks before us. Our prayer is that the Lord keep us close to Him and each other despite our distance.
In Christ,
Andy, Andrea, Elias & Luke
PS - Enjoy the photo. We had lots of fun taking it.