January 2001
Dear Friends,I wanted to share a little reminder the Lord gave me a few months ago. I was home alone and had been reading some disturbing stories about particular street children in La Paz. I read about girls caught in the midst of prostitution and abuse, and about boys caught in the cycle of drug addiction and violence. The stories were heartbreaking and after several pages, I dropped the manuscript, fell to my knees and wept. Painful compassion accompanied overwhelming feelings of inadequacy. What do I know about this world of darkness? How do we communicate Truth and Hope in a world of such institutionalized sin? I prayed earnestly for further confirmation to the Lord’s call upon our lives. It seemed like fear and discouragement daily tempered our anticipation and excitement.The next morning, on my way to school, I happened to notice the fields of wildflowers blanketing our Kentucky pastures. And then almost immediately it seemed the Lord spoke words of patient encouragement and confirmation. See the lilies of the field, “Now if that is how God clothes the wild flowers…will He not much more look after you, you who have so little faith? Set your hearts on His kingdom first, and on God's saving justice, and all these other things will be given you as well” (Matt 6:28-33 NJB). I smiled as my eyes again filled with tears. Yes, I will continue to trust Him.Today, may you also find challenge and comfort in Him.Peace,Andy and Andrea Baker