Dear friends and family,Our Servant Team has left and two new volunteers have arrived on a Discovery Team. These last couple of months have seemed to go by so quickly, especially with all our transitions and changes. Since January, we have received and parted with the Servant Team, moved twice, Adam traveled to Peru, I survived the first trimester of pregnancy, we’ve both had E. coli, we’ve welcomed two interns, and we’ve prepared for our time in the States to receive this new little life.This past season has certainly been one of growth and challenges for me. However, through the times that we’ve failed and fallen short, I have seen God’s grace working in our midst. Adam and I discovered that, although it was wonderful to have the opportunity to host a Servant Team, we operate and work very differently and are perhaps not one of those couples that make a great team. I’ve also seen God working some on my over-achieving tendencies with my pregnancy. Not only does life in Bolivia bring a new set of limitations, but being pregnant in Bolivia brings even more. I’ve gotten a lot of practice in saying “no” these days.At times, I’ve felt like pregnancy (especially the nausea), our transitions, and time spent with the Servant Team tore us away from the ministry here, or at least scattered our focus a bit. I only made it to the brothels twice since January and when sharing lunches with the ladies on Wednesdays and Fridays, I felt a little detached and scattered. But again, I believe God’s grace was working in ways I may not ever realize. It’s a good reminder for me that God doesn’t need me and my efforts, but at times graciously chooses to include me in His kingdom work. And for this, I am grateful.Prayer for our Community and Suti SanaI want to specifically petition our prayer warriors in regards to some current transitions and challenges within our community here in El Alto. Our field directors have transitioned back into ministry after their sabbatical year. With their re-entry, it is a great time to evaluate programs and facets of our ministry, as well as implement changes and new visions. But this is a process that takes time, prayer, and wisdom, so please pray with us that it will be a fruitful and God-honoring process. Also pray that as our directors resume responsibilities, God would continue to guide them in wisdom and discernment as they lead.This second year of Suti Sana (the small-business enterprise with therapy for women leaving prostitution) has been especially challenging. We are looking for ways to transition new-comers into the program so that they are well prepared for dignified work within our community. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to be working in their hearts to prepare them for such a transition (out of the brothels and into the Suti Sana program).Tentative State-side Schedule(e-mail us for details)Grace and Peace- Becky (and Adam) Thada