
Project Suma



March 2001

Dear friends and family,Life is good, but busy in the Baker house right now. It's challenging balancing our present responsibilities with our future preparations, but the Lord certainly is sustaining us. He continually confirms each new step we take. We cannot express how very grateful we are to you for joining us in this journey. Your encouragement, prayers and financial support overwhelm, challenge and humble us daily. Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!!We are certainly getting excited about the adventures ahead. In only 3 months we'll be traveling to our new home in Bolivia. It seems a lot like getting married, with all the questions, anticipations, hopes and fears. We realize the transition will be challenging, but worth the sacrifice in the end.Some of you have asked how things are progressing, and we're happy to report, we're doing quite well! While we're still here in the States, we've been working hard to maintain and strengthen relationships. They will be vital to us once we're on the field. We have also been doing lots of reading and research about Bolivia, street children, prostitutes, ministry to the poor, etc. Last week we attended an urban ministries conference in Chicago; it was an enlightening experience, helpful for both our present and future ministries. We're learning a lot and hope our foreknowledge will help us be more productive in the end.Our financial support also seems to be coming along well. The mission has approved us for departure, which means we have enough for the first few months. However, we still need to cover some last minute expenses, such as a laptop, medical supplies, storage, etc. As always, your continued support will help us maintain our ministry. Again, we are truly blessed and grateful.In closing, let me share a lesson I received this week: At the conference, we heard the testimony of a young woman named Brenda Myers. She shared with us her painful childhood of incest, abuse and neglect, which had eventually led her into a life of prostitution. She explained how she fought to forget the pain of her former life and became anything for anyone. Through the work of a Catholic laywoman, Brenda Myers now bears her name with pride. I wish you could have seen her face shine as she shared her joy in having an I.D., an apartment and a phone of her very own. For 4 years, she has been walking with dignity, now working to rehabilitate other women caught in the same cycle of degradation and darkness. The Lord is breaking my heart for the 1,000's of other Brenda's in the world, who desperately hunger for hope, worthiness and Love.In the account of the adulterous woman, Jesus reminded me, "I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven--for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little." Sin hardens our hearts and limits our ability to love God and others. As we seek to minister among the broken, our prayer is that we not overlook our own brokenness and corruption. Please pray for us, as we love those who He has called us to serve.Blessings to you today. May you be strengthened and encouraged as you walk according to His perfect will.Love always,Andy and Andrea Baker