Project Suma

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May 2002

Dear Friends and Family,We have an important prayer request we'd like to share with you.  Recently especially, the Lord has really opened some doors, and after feeling a bit frustrated and impatient, we have been encouraged by all that is happening. We can only attribute our recent progress to the many heartfelt prayers offered to our Savior.As many of you know, we have decided to concentrate our ministry working among woman and children who prostitute here in El Alto.  As many as 2,000 woman are working in this area and over half are said to be under the age of 17.In terms of preparing for our ministry, we have been laying a strong foundation of prayer.  We are finding ourselves in the midst of heavy oppression that can only be alleviated by pure and fervent, consistent prayer.  Three young Bolivian men have expressed a burden to support us in our ministry.  Together we have been meeting in the "Ceja," the area of town where the majority of girls work, to walk the perimeter and cover it in prayer.  These godly young men have been a tremendous blessing for us.We also been privileged to meet many of the girls, and slowly they are opening their hearts and homes to us.  We are enjoying getting to know them and the world they live in.However, our first major contact with the majority of the women is next Monday, May 27, Bolivia's Mother's Day.  We have decided to throw a special party for the ladies.  With another organization, we have planned a special afternoon for about 150 women and children, including lunch, games, music, prizes, etc. Our goal is to encourage the woman as mothers, build relationships, and begin to offer Jesus to this hurting population.  So on Monday from 3-6 p.m. (EST), we would covet your prayers for us and these woman.  This is a huge step of faith for us, and we are anxious to see what the Lord wants to do.Specifically we also ask you to please pray:

  • That the Lord would prepare the hearts of the women and children who will come and participate.
  • For our wisdom, discernment and protection in terms of leadership and direction for our next steps to take.
  • That the Lord would continue to guide us in the relationships we are building with the girls.
  • For Cello, Reynaldo, and Johnny who have been pressed by the Holy Spirit to enter into this world with us.  Pray for their protection, purity and unity.
  • Violetta Ross, a young, passionate Christian who contracted HIV in her former days.  She will share her testimony at the party.

Thanks so much for your interest and participation in our ministry here. You are a blessing to us, and we thank the Lord for the tie that binds us together.Your Brother and Sister in Christ,Andy & Andrea