
Project Suma



May 2011

Dear loved ones,It has been a long time! As we write, we’re just coming out of a time of sabbatical - an extended Sabbath, after years of plowing through ministry. What an unexpected gift of life-giving pleasures, reflection and growth. Thank you for your patience with us as we’ve stepped away from many of our normal activities.SabbaticalWe’ve recently learned the Latin word Adsis, meaning to be present, to be here. “Presence” has long been a value of our community, as we long to share life among the poor - to know them, their struggles and their stories. We pray that in being with others, the presence and reality of Christ would slowly but surely grow in our midst. In many ways, sabbatical redirected our desire to be people of presence.We had space to be more present to our children, and we enjoyed unprecedented quality time together as a family. We uprooted old wounds and unhealthy habits that had festered in ourmarriage, learning to be present to one another in kinder and more graceful ways. We were freer to cultivate and celebrate relationships in ways that we’re usually too busy or drained to give ourselves to. We breathed deeply and enjoyed God’s creation - cultivated a garden and played in the mountains. And most importantly, we set apart a space in our home (our own prayer room), where we can often steal away and soak in the Lord’s presence.The Lord has been present to us during this time, patient and gentle, lovingly pruning our rough edges and renewing life and vision and fervor in our hearts. We return to service here with new dreams and passions, and with deep gratitude for the gift this time has been.FamilyThese days life is busy and often chaotic, full of adventures and squabbles and laughter. The boys are our joy and our most constant act of service. Elias is now such a responsible little man at 8 years old. He’s a natural leader and a kind sibling to his baby brothers. Luke and Andrea have enjoyed home schooling recently. He is a bright and sensitive one, who is a constant blessing and reminder of God’s faithfulness. The twins are full into toddlerhood – talking, running, climbing, building and destroying. We have loved watching them grow up together; really, they are the best of friends and the fullness of life in our home. Please pray for us as parents as we navigate parenthood in all of its splendor -- and exhaustion. ! We long for the perfect balance of service to our family and the world around us.Our Prayer for SabbaticalMy heart is not proud, Lord,my eyes are not haughty;I do not concern myself with great mattersor things too wonderful for me.But I have calmed myself and quieted my ambitions.I am like a weaned child with its mother;like a weaned child, I am content.~ Psalm 131FinancesOur records show that there are a faithful few who have continually sustained us through the years. As we review a consistent list of names month after month, we pray that the Lord would shower you with the same blessing and provision that you have shared with us. And for those of you who surprise us every now and then with a tangible reminder of your love and care, thank you. It’s always such a joy to hear from long lost friends. Coming out of a time of sabbatical we need a few more supporters and advocates that can commit to monthly giving. For many, the easiest way to do this is a monthly electronic transaction that only takes a few minutes to set up on our website or by calling the mission ( or 1-800-cry4kids). The cost of living has increased significantly in Bolivia over the years and our growing family has begun to feel the crunch. If there are any who could commit to more consistent giving, it would be a real blessing to our family and the ministry in Bolivia.Again, we thank you. We love you! And we’re excited to continue this journey together.All our love,The Bolivia Baker´sAndy, Andrea, Eli, Luke, Owen y Asher