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A Transformative Journey

A Transformative Journey

I have had the privilege to partner with Project Suma on multiple occasions, and they are very much doing God’s work in Bolivia!

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Learning As We Go

Learning As We Go

Mission work has its ebbs and flows of learning effective ministry and mission tools and tricks. From saying the wrong things to practicing ineffective missional practices, we have definitely fallen short. It’s no surprise that we fall short, Romans 3:23 tells us “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Our humanity is simply incapable of being perfect, which is why we strive to continually point back to Jesus, even in the midst of mistakes and weird moments.

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Life Together

Life Together

What then can we learn from the simplicity of Bolivia? For all that it may lack, Bolivia keeps me grounded. Sharing the mundane and the gritty with my neighbors is good for me. Overlapping pieces of life together highlights our shared humanity. And a slower interdependence with one other means that not only do others matter, but I matter to others as well.

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Eucharistic Community

Eucharistic Community

An update from one of our interns who just completed her internship in Bolivia. Michaela is a senior at Anderson University and is completing her degree in International Relations and Spanish.

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